Shamanic Community

Shamanic Community creates a forum for growth and for learning, for healing and for helping, and for coming together and for sharing.

The role of the Shaman traditionally included performing ritual to honor all of life's events. Ceremonies to help communities to acknowledge birth and death, coming of age, and other important life events all fell under the Shaman's auspices, as facilitator. Today, in our fast-paced world, the tool of ceremony for your community can be most helpful in integrating the auspicious events of our lives.

Coming together in Shamanic Journey Circle provides a resource for self-discovery and for accessing information that impacts the community, all facilitated in a supportive community setting.

In times to come it may well be the Shamanic Community that informs us, and leads us into new ways of being in our world. As we seek inner balance, balance within our communities, and balance with the forces of nature, the Shamaic Community holds space as a guiding force for development of the individual, community, and beyond.

Shamanic Journey Circles

The Shamanic Journey Circle is a wonderful resource for practicing Shamanic Journey skills. In a Circle, individuals trained in the journey process come together to practice in a structured environment. In this environment one can strengthen their relationships with their Helping Spirits, access Spiritual resources for personal healing, and build community with others who love to journey.

As we call upon our Helping Spirits to guide us, we enter into a world where ordinary rules cease to bind us, and where we can find freedom from precepts that have constrained us previously in our lives. As we explore our own natures as sovereign beings of Spirit, we become increasingly able to claim the birthright of our own sacred gifts, and to create our world anew, with the light of Spirit as our guide.

Virtual Shamanic Journey Circles and Online Community

We hope that you have been finding tender comfort in connection with your loved ones and communities, wherever they may be. We too long to stay connected with our wonderful Circle of folks, and are bringing our gatherings into an online format through this time of social isolation.

Every Weds eve, from 6:30 - 8pm, we will continue to gather as usual, only this circle will be held in virtual reality, The plan is to keep Circle in place with the same dedication and consistency that we have offered in person since 2006. We will do so virtually, for as long as needed.

Please email me at for weekly links to join us in Circle.

The Razor by Gail Gulick

There is an edge
where all things crumble
A silver strand
of waking peace.
We walk this razor
to relinquish
those errant cords
of false embrace

Those pompous claims
who split our substance,
Those clutching voices
of distant days,
Those staunch positions
who trap our essence,
Those nagging worries
who keep us prey,

We leave these all
to molder sickly
releasing Self
through sweet decay.
We come to know
our own deft urgings
and drink the balm
of love's bouquet.

I cannot hold
where glamours bind
our thoughts with pride.
I can but hold
this mirror gently
that we may glimpse
what burns inside.

My Philosophy

My shamanic journey circles reflect my dedication to the path of "The Great Unknowing", a process of unfolding given to me by my Spirits, a path of profound mystical development. Through Shamanic practice coupled with increasingly refined intent, we can learn to relinquish our perceptual positions, agendas, belief systems, and strivings. We learn to truly nourish the core of our being, and we open to the pure potential of Spirit to act in our lives.

As we call upon our Helping Spirits to guide us, we enter into a world where ordinary rules cease to bind us, and where we can find freedom from precepts that have constrained us previously in our lives. As we explore our own natures as sovereign beings of Spirit, we become increasingly able to claim the birthright of our own sacred gifts, and to create our world anew, with the light of Spirit as our guide.

You can join our workshop mailing list at: mailist.

Shamanic Ceremony

Shamanic ceremony and celebration are wonderful ways to honor life events for the individual, family, or community. For ancient societies, shamanic ceremony was a way of life, and a means of recognizing significant events within the society. Birth, death, other initiations, marriage, healing, seasonal and other pivotal times of year were all honored through shamanic ceremony.

My distinct and authentic ceremonial style incorporates a keen attunement to the specific needs of the individual, family, community, and aspects of nature into my shamanic offerings.

For more information, contact Gail at .